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Complete ElasticSearch example

Configuration in this directory creates an ElasticSearch Domain with advanced/custom configuration in the VPC.

You can choose to create an ElasticSearch Domain with the different options by setting the variables as described below:

  • Create an ES domain in an existing VPC in a single availability zone.
        create_vpc = false
        zone_awareness_enabled = false
        es_subnets_ids = ["subnet-xxxxxxx"]     # pass a single subnet-id
  • Create an ES domain in an existing VPC in a multiple availability zones.
        create_vpc = false
        zone_awareness_enabled = true
        es_subnets_ids = ["subnet-xxxxxxx", "subnet-xxxxxx"]    # pass minimum two subnet-ids
  • Create an ES domain in a new VPC in a single availability zone.
        create_vpc = true
        zone_awareness_enabled = false
  • Create an ES domain in an new VPC in a multiple availability zone.
        create_vpc = true
        zone_awareness_enabled = true


To run this example you need to execute:

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

Note that this example may create resources which cost money. Run terraform destroy when you don’t need these resources.