AWS Autoscaling Group (ASG) Terraform Module

Terraform module to provision AutoScaling Group on AWS.


Simple setup

Create a simple ASG with default configurations.

    locals {
        instance_userdata = <<USERDATA
        yum update -y

    module "asg" {
        source                      = ""
        iam_instance_profile        = "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxx:instance-profile/xxxxxx"
        user_data                   = base64encode(local.instance_userdata)
        security_groups             = ["sg-xxxxxxxxxxx"]
        identifier                  = "example"
        image_id                    = "ami-xxxxxxxx"
        instance_type               = "t3a.medium"
        key_name                    = "nclouds-tf"
        device_name                 = "/dev/xvda"
        volume_size                 = 30
        subnets                     = ["subnet-xxxxxxxxxxx", "subnet-xxxxxxxxxx"]
        tags                        = {
            Owner       = "sysops"
            env         = "dev"
            Cost_Center = "XYZ"

For more details on a working example, please visit examples/simple

Advanced Setup

If you want to create ASG with enhanced configuration e.g multiple instances etc., you can use the module like this:

    locals {
        instance_userdata = <<USERDATA
        yum update -y

    module "asg" {
        source                                  = ""
        iam_instance_profile                    = "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxx:instance-profile/xxxxxx"
        user_data_base64                        = base64encode(local.instance_userdata)
        associate_public_ip_address             = true
        security_groups                         = ["sg-xxxxxxxxxxx"]
        identifier                              = "example"
        image_id                                = "ami-xxxxxxxx"
        instance_type                           = "t3a.medium"
        key_name                                = "nclouds-tf"
        device_name                             = "/dev/xvda"
        volume_size                             = 30
        volume_type                             = "gp2"
        ebs_optimized                           = false
        encrypted                               = true
        instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior    = "stop"
        min_size                                = 2
        max_size                                = 5
        subnets                                 = ["subnet-xxxxxxxxxxx", "subnet-xxxxxxxxxx"]
        tags                                    = {
            Owner       = "sysops"
            env         = "dev"
            Cost_Center = "XYZ"

For more options refer to a working example at examples/advanced


Here are some working examples of using this module:


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12


Name Version
aws n/a


No modules.


Name Type
aws_autoscaling_group.asg resource
aws_launch_template.launch_temlate resource


Name Description Type Default Required
append_workspace Appends the terraform workspace at the end of resource names, - bool true no
associate_public_ip_address Associate a public ip address with an instance in a VPC bool false no
ebs_optimized If true, the launched EC2 instance will be EBS-optimized bool true no
eks_cluster_id If set add the tag = owned string "" no
iam_instance_profile The name attribute of the IAM instance profile to associate with launched instances string n/a yes
identifier The name for the resource string n/a yes
image_id AMI to use string n/a yes
instance_type EC2 Instance type to use string "t2.micro" no
key_name The name of the key-pair to use string n/a yes
max_size Maximun number of instances in the ASG number 5 no
min_size Minimum number of instances in the ASG number 1 no
protect_from_scale_in Allows setting instance protection. The autoscaling group will not select instances with this setting for termination during scale in events. bool false no
security_groups List of security groups to assign to instances list(string) [] no
subnets A list of subnet IDs to launch resources in list(string) n/a yes
tags Tags to be applied to the resource map(any) {} no
user_data_base64 base64-encoded user-data string "" no
volume_size The size of the root ebs volume number 20 no
volume_type The type of volume. Can be ‘standard’, ‘gp2’, or ‘io1’ string "gp2" no
update_default_version Update the Launch template version bool true no
device_name The name of the device to mount string "/dev/xvda" no
iops The amount of provisioned IOPS. This must be set with a volume_type of “io1/io2” number "null" no
monitoring The launched EC2 instance will have detailed monitoring enabled, if its true bool "false" no
market_type To allocate resource in spot / ondemand string "null" no
credit_specification The credit specification of the instance standard / unlimited for T2/T3 string "standard" no


Name Description
output n/a


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