AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) Terraform Module

Terraform module to provision Relational Database Service on AWS.


Simple setup

Create a simple RDS with default configurations.

    module "rds" {
        source                      = ""
        version                     = "0.2.1"
        rds_parameter_group_family  = "postgres11"
        rds_engine_version          = "11.6"
        rds_instance_class          = "db.t2.small"
        security_groups             = ["sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxx"]
        identifier                  = "example"
        subnets                     = ["subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxx"]
        vpc_id                      = "vpc-xxxxxxxxxxx"
        engine                      = "postgres"
        tags                        = {
                    Owner           = "sysops"
                    env             = "dev"
                    Cost_Center     = "XYZ"

For more details on a working example, please visit examples/simple

Advanced Setup

If you want to create RDS with enhanced configuration e.g mutli-az etc., you can use the module like this:

    module "rds" {
        source                      = ""
        version                     = "0.2.1"
        rds_parameter_group_family  = "postgres11"
        rds_engine_version          = "11.6"
        rds_instance_class          = "db.t2.small"
        rds_database_name           = "example_db"
        rds_master_username         = "example_root"
        multi_az                    = true
        rds_allocated_storage       = 30
        backup_retention_period     = 14
        storage_type                = "gp2"
        allow_major_version_upgrade = true
        auto_minor_version_upgrade  = true
        publicly_accessible         = false
        skip_final_snapshot         = true
        security_groups             = ["sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxx"]
        identifier                  = "example"
        subnets                     = ["subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "subnet-xxxxxxxxxxx"]
        vpc_id                      = "vpc-000fe2b5ddba6bb64"
        engine                      = "postgres"
        tags                        = {
                        Owner       = "sysops"
                        env         = "dev"
                        Cost_Center = "XYZ"

For more options refer to a working example at examples/advanced


Here are some working examples of using this module:


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12


Name Version
aws n/a
random n/a


No Modules.




Name Description Type Default Required
allow_major_version_upgrade Indicates that major version upgrades are allowed bool false no
append_workspace Appends the terraform workspace at the end of resource names, - bool true no
auto_minor_version_upgrade Indicates that minor engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the DB instance during the maintenance window bool true no
backup_retention_period Backup retention period number 7 no
encryption (Optional) Specifies whether the DB instance is encrypted. Note that if you are creating a cross-region read replica this field is ignored and you should instead declare kms_key_id with a valid ARN bool true no
engine Define the engine for the database string n/a yes
identifier The name for the resources string n/a yes
multi_az Set to ‘true’ to deploy the rds instance as multi-az bool false no
password RDS DB password. If not set, random password will be used and stored in SSM string null no
publicly_accessible Bool to control if instance is publicly accessible bool false no
rds_allocated_storage Allocated storage number 21 no
rds_database_name Name of the database string "default_database" no
rds_engine_version Engine version for the db string n/a yes
rds_instance_class Instance class for the database string n/a yes
rds_master_username Master username for the database string "root" no
rds_parameter_group_family Parameter group family for the instance string n/a yes
security_groups Security group list(string) n/a yes
skip_final_snapshot Determines whether a final DB snapshot is created before the DB instance is deleted bool true no
storage_type Storage type for the db string "gp2" no
subnets A list of VPC subnet IDs list(string) n/a yes
tags Tags to be applied to the resource map {} no
vpc_id VPC id for the resources string n/a yes


Name Description
output n/a


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